Many times students practice self-plagiarism, intentionally or unintentionally it doesn’t matter, but they can avoid it if they take SPSS help. But before learning about how help with SPSS can save you from attempting self-plagiarism, we must understand what is it.
Self-plagiarism is also copying content but it is when you copy your own previously shared content or a portion of it and use it like a completely new work. That is, reusing the same piece of information to conduct another study is known as self-plagiarism. You might attempt this mistake unintentionally but it will not be counted when caught by the evaluators. Then how can someone keep away oneself from this stealing job? Don’t worry, in this article we are going to learn the ways to avoid plagiarism and self-stealing.
There are situations when you can attempt copying the previous work without knowing its side effects, such as:
So here you can see that if you use your previously submitted work to conduct a new thesis then it will be considered self-plagiarism.
If you are a master's or undergraduate student then there might be situations when you will get a similar piece of coursework on which you’ve already worked in the past. At such times, you might feel to resubmit the same work as something new without making new efforts. But in case your professors allow you to use your previous material then reuse it with proper referencing, otherwise, take help from your professors or SPSS services to guide you with new methodologies.
Being a PhD student or researcher, you must be struggling with publishing your work in a particular journal, then be clear with their publication criterion. If they allow an appropriate referencing or citation to your previous work in your present study then it’s good for you, else try not to use any kind of copied content, because some journal publications are extremely adamant with their publishing policies and they will not bear plagiarism in any form. As the author of the research paper, it is your responsibility to make your content genuinely unique. But in any case, if you use repeated text in your writings then make sure you provide proper referencing to that. SPSS experts can help you in such scenarios, where you have to work on the previously used data set but have to make new assumptions and need to show absolutely unique outcomes.
Whether you use someone else’s work as yours or your own previously published work without citation, universities will treat it as an offensive crime and of course, it will have severe consequences. Although there are chances that some universities might allow self-plagiarism at some point of the level, then ensure that it is okay with the authorised person who is going to assess your work, i.e. your professor.
If you are a researcher, the consequences could be very harsh. If you are caught performing any kind of plagiarism in your study then you will have to bear some losses. Some of them are:
You might feel self-plagiarism is a grey area where you can save yourself because you are reusing your own work, but that’s not true. Resubmitting your pre-published work without citing it in your new study will be treated as poor academic practice and scientific misconduct. Instead of all these issues and to keep yourself in a safe circle, choose the SPSS assignment help services to provide you with an entirely new edition of your thesis. Take responsibility for your work with responsible SPSS tutors at your end. Avoid shortcuts and believe in your workings. Good luck!