ancova analysis

Analysis Of Variance (ANOVA)

What is Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)?

Analysis of Variance is an analysis tool used in statistics to find out if a survey or experiment results are significant. It was developed by Ronald Fisher. This test gives you the idea if you need to reject the null hypothesis or accept the alternate hypothesis. In a multiple regression study, this test also provides the observation regarding the influence that independent variables have on the dependent variable. There are two kinds of independent variables in the Analysis of Variance:-


This test is used to compare two means from two independent groups using the F-distribution. While these two means are equal, the null hypothesis occurs. If two means are unequal, this means a significant result.


It is an extended form of One-Way ANOVA with one independent variable affecting a dependant variable. For example brand of cereal, calories.

When to use ANOVA?

When you wanted to find out how your different groups respond to a test performed by you, Analysis of variance is used. If the response is with a null hypothesis to the test, this signifies that the means of the different groups are equal. If the two populations are unequal, there is a statistically significant result.

It is believed that the ANOVA is used when you want to test a specific hypothesis that exists between the groups. It is being determined with the help of one-way ANOVA –which is the relationship between an independent variable and one dependent variable that is in the quantitative form. Many types of anova need to be known by everyone. To understand better let's see an example that could examine how the level of employee training is impacting the rating of customer satisfaction. It is always advised that it should always be used in a structured manner as only then it will be able to deliver the expected result. There are many multiple comparisons made by the testers.

How does ANOVA work?

ANOVA works by comparing the means of different groups and represents the statistical difference if there is any. This test is also known as the omnibus test statistic.

The Formula for ANOVA is:

    1. F=MSE
    2. MST


    1. F=ANOVA coefficient
    2. MST=Mean sum of squares due to treatment
    3. MSE=Mean sum of squares due to error

In SPSS, ANOVA is performed in many ways, In the “compare option” click on the option “one way ANOVA”.While performing two ways or more than two ways analysis of variance (ANOVA), click on the “univariate” option available in the GLM menu. A post hoc test is performed to further check the significant difference between groups and to know exactly which group has means that are significantly different from other groups.


    1. The sampled population should be normally distributed.
    2. The sampled population has a common variance of s2.
    3. Each group should have a common variance.

Challenges of ANOVA

Firstly, it is said that ANOVA can be highly complex and time-consuming to practice. It is especially true when there is the involvement of several factors and levels, or in case you are willing to conduct many tests. Secondly, ANOVA is considered to be very sensitive to the data that is missing or distributions that are not normal. Sometimes the data set gets too large. It is an aspect that affects the validity of the results derived by you. Challenges need to be taken with great courage and correct strategy as it is an integral part of every factorial anova process.

Limitations of ANOVA

ANOVA helps in analysing the difference in means between two independent variables but won’t be able to tell you about which statistical analysis were different from each other. You may need to run a post hoc test to tell you exactly which groups had a difference in means.

It is very essential to learn about the limitations as only then they can be tackled. The anova table being a technique used for comparing many means across several groups also has certain limitations which are the talk of the town. It is a fact that limitations are not in the context of a single aspect as it covers many areas. The terminologies used in anova test such as variables, testing, and many others have their bit of limitations that need to be overcome using additional strategies and approaches in context to the statistical methods. Let us explore some of the limitations of ANOVA:

When to use ANOVA?

It is believed that the ANOVA is used when you want to test a specific hypothesis that exists between the groups. It is being determined with the help of one-way ANOVA –which is the relationship between an independent variable and one dependent variable that is in the quantitative form. Many types of anova need to be known by everyone. To understand better let's see an example that could examine how the level of employee training is impacting the rating of customer satisfaction. It is always advised that it should always be used in a structured manner as only then it will be able to deliver the expected result. There are many multiple comparisons made by the testers.

Terminologies in ANOVA

It is said that in ANOVA terminology, the first one is the dependent variable which is called the response variable. The next that comes into the line is the independent variables which are interaction effect as factors. remember that the distinct values of the independent variables are termed factor levels that have huge sample size. Another terminology to be known is the experiment that is at the specified level of all factors is known as a treatment. There are many sources of variation in the terminologies.

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