Parameters to Write a Perfect Literature Review

Parameters to Write a Perfect Literature Review


Though SPSS was designed to provide SPSS help in the field of research for numerous reasons, the literature review is one of them. Statistical scholars or researchers from any other field have to write a literature review for their topic of research. Gathering a substantial amount of already published writings and making a critical collage of data from those different sources of information which is relevant to your topic of research results in a literature review. Statistical students prefer to use SPSS for their research work because this tool is handy in nature and even a beginner can understand its command language. This is the reason that such students take help with SPSS to write their assignments, essays, dissertations, literature reviews, and much more.
Here in this blog post, we will know about the parameters of writing a perfect literature review with the help of SPSS professionals. Let us read further.

What is a literature review in the field of academic research?

A comprehensive summary of early research on a specific topic is known as a literature review. To write a perfect literature review you need to go through scholarly articles, magazines, books, and other reading materials relevant to your topic of study. You will have to evaluate, describe, and summarise this previous data. If found correct information then, this will prepare the theoretical base of your research and help you understand the nature of your study. Writing a literature review shows that you have read, evaluated and assimilated the previous work on the topic. The purpose of writing a literature review is to make the reader aware of the already established knowledge and ideas on a topic and what are its strengths and weaknesses. Your literature review must define the objective of your research, the problems you are going to resolve in your research, and your arguments on it.

Types, components & length of a literature review

Though there are various types of literature review papers, we are going to talk about only those which are based on their structure and formulation.

    1. Narrative or Traditional literature review

      The purpose of writing a traditional literature review is to give the author and reader an overview of the research topic and attract their attention to the significant areas of the research. Narrative reviews help to determine the gaps in the research and develop the research questions.

    2. Scoping reviews

      In the case of scoping reviews, there is no restriction on the materials resourced & reserved. The main idea behind writing a scoping review is to collect all the materials relevant to your topic of research and then sort these materials and information in a well-organised manner.

    3. Systematic style literature review

      You need to make in-depth notes based on your search to write a systematic style literature review. Add the inclusion and exclusion criteria of papers you read in your final literature review and it is not necessary to collect qualitative or quantitative pieces of evidence from your readings.
      Now let us know about the components of a literature review. Irrespective of the type of literature review, the following components remain the same for all kinds of reviews, and those components are:

        1. Introduction
        2. Paragraphs of the content (Main body)
        3. Conclusion
      While constructing a literature review, these above-mentioned components are must-haves or mandatory to include and they do not affect the length or the word limit of the review. The word length of the literature review depends on the purpose of your research, your targeted audience, and the discipline of your research. But ideally, the full chapter length of a literature review written for research is 20 pages. 

Points to avoid for literature review writing

You should avoid writing a poor literature review because an undeveloped literature review can harm your thesis research and the significance of the literature review in the following ways:

    1. If you can’t illustrate your background efforts made for your research, then it raises questions and doubts about your credibility as a researcher.
    2. If you are not aware of the depth and breadth of the available materials then you won’t be able to develop the foundation of your work.
    3. Without a complete summary of the material you are using, you won’t be able to justify the position of your work. Your work must answer the questions like, is your work filling the identified research gap, is your work able to address the weaknesses of former research, and is your research a broader or extended version of the previous research?

How to write a perfect literature review?

To write an excellent literature review you must understand its role in your research.

    1. Context – where does your research fit into the overall body of your subject matter knowledge?
    2. Prepare a list of keywords to find the sources relevant to your research.
    3. Determine the key concepts and variables that are applicable in the area of your research and find the relationship between those variables.
    4. Set up the need for additional research – inconsistencies, lacking evidence, opportunities for further development and different procedures.

Thesis consultation


Remember that while writing a literature review, you have to fill the identified gap from the former research, you have to address the identified shortcomings, you have to present something very important to challenge the existing theory, and you have to add more details to the limited versions of your study. All of these writings must be included in such a way that the reader will read your literature review till the end. If the readers can’t understand your point of view and your actions then it will be a failure for you. By now you must have understood the importance of literature review and hence do not take any chances with your coursework. You can go for a thesis consultation also in case of any doubt and can ask for help with SPSS also to perform other tasks. Good luck!

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