What Is Statistical Analysis and What Are Its Types?

What Is Statistical Analysis and What Are Its Types?


Statistical analysis means collecting, interpreting, and analysing the data to understand patterns and trends of a particular data type and develop good decision-making. This type of data analysis is generally used when gathering research data, conducting surveys & studies and collecting a large volume of information, and for business intelligence organisations which work with big data structures. Analysts or researchers take SPSS help to perform this analysis.
The main purpose of statistical analysis is to collect a large volume of data and analyse it. To draw relevant conclusions from big data volumes, the data needs to be computed and statistical analysis deduces information from it and represents it in the form of graphs, charts, tables, etc. Here we will learn about the types of statistical analysis in detail.

Types of statistical analysis

    1. Descriptive statistical analysis:

      As its name suggests, the descriptive statistical analysis provides descriptions of the data. It condenses all the details and particulars of the collected data so that a thorough meaning can be obtained from the interpretation. To drive the research to a necessary conclusion and to get elaborated quantitative descriptions of the gathered data, descriptive statistical analysis is used. The researchers prefer to take help with SPSS to conduct descriptive statistical analysis in a better way. Mainly, this type of analysis gathers and summons how it should be organised, and presented so that it looks meaningful and reaches a conclusion with the help of the data provided. Certain techniques should be followed while studying descriptive statistical analysis, which are the metric of central tendency, measures of dispersion, shape, the distribution of frequency, and the graphical representation of the sample size. Search a data analytics is important. The main motive of descriptive analysis is that it only studies the data and does not make any predictions like the inferential statistical analysis.

    2. Inferential statistical analysis:

      The inferential statistical analysis offers a generalisation of the huge data through the mode of data sampling. Here the researchers represent the big data through a sample set of data using estimated parameters or testing hypothesis methods. The researchers of this area have the preferentiality to mark the prediction level with the help of the given inputs. Here, the researchers can mark up the conclusion part with the sample data to calculate the number of populations or the sample size.

      It is again helped by various other parts of aspects too like hypothesis testing which again helps to consider both the independent variable and the dependent variable. The availability to calculate the estimated population also avails the regression analysis, and the sampling technique, which again gets along with random sampling, stratified sampling, and the cluster sampling area. Lastly, it uses the probability theory which helps to check the likelihood of the occurrence and whether it will state the social sciences or not.

      It is again helped by various other parts of aspects too like hypothesis testing which again helps to consider both the independent variable and the dependent variable. The availability to calculate the estimated population also avails the regression analysis, and the sampling technique, which again gets along with random sampling, stratified sampling, and the cluster sampling area. Lastly, it uses the probability theory which helps to check the likelihood of the occurrence and whether it will state the social sciences or not.

    3. Predictive statistical analysis:

      The predictive statistical analysis makes predictions about the data based on previous regular events. A series of events is being analysed under this type of analysis so that future events and possibilities can be predicted and necessary conclusions can be drawn. Because of the nature of the data analysis technique, this method is used in every sphere of life. Since this technique uses algorithms, simulations, graph analysis, and much more hence it helps in making decisions, shows effectiveness, and provides solutions to future issues. Researchers and students use this statistical analysis technique to predict uncertainties and risks involved in their studies. Here, we discuss the matter or the occurrence of what might happen suddenly. The outcomes sanctioned here are based on the future aspects, which also is whether it will occur or vice versa.

      To formulate the prescriptive statistical analysis, we have to study about the following:

      • Data preparation: This falls under the first step of formulation where the missing values and the prompt data are fermented.
      • Selection of Model: The model selection is a concerned area where we need to choose the best model to prepare a prescriptive analysis. Some of the basic models are linear regression, time series models, etc so like there are many options available to check it out.
      • Making predictions: Predictive analysis is done after it is passed through the validation and evaluation process, and this step is crucial to be checked on.
      • Monitoring: Monitoring is the last process in every field and must be checked regularly whether any new data prevails or any changes have to be made or not.
    4. Prescriptive statistical analysis:

      The prescriptive statistical analysis tries to provide precision about a future event that what will happen and when will it happen. Based on data mining and artificial intelligence, this statistical analysis combines the information from internal sources and the information from third-party sources. Doing so helps this technique to get insights for developing better possibilities for future events and operations. Since this statistical analysis technique is capable of predicting the future, therefore it describes the ideas to gain the best out of all the consequences. The occurrence of whether it will happen and how to deal with it is studied under this heading. The prescriptive analysis is mainly based on optimising and making a decision based on those understandings. The data collection is based on the study so that the best outcome is to be achieved.

    5. Casual statistical analysis:

      Researchers use this casual statistical analysis technique to find the reasons and causes of a particular event happening that way. This technique tries to find out why an event is taking place in a particular manner and what will be its outcome; success or failure. To resist or prevent disasters at a larger rate, this statistical method is used. The standard deviation or the concept of median and mode helps to study the causal statistical analysis.

    6. Exploratory data analysis:

      The exploratory data analysis explores distinct sets of data and then summarises them to get relevant information to the research questions. The researchers use this statistical analysis method to identify hidden patterns in the collected information and then they express these derivations through graphical or non-graphical methods.

SPSS data analysis


Different types of statistical analysis techniques are used in different situations on various kinds of information. But the core objective for all of these analysis techniques is the same, that is, derive results from the collected information so that better circumstances can be generated in future. SPSS data analysis performed by the experts is the best analysis practice to conduct research effectively. Researchers prefer to adopt this methodology of analysis because of its productive outcomes. Hence, choose a type of statistical analysis as per the type of your study, information, and data structure. Good luck with your statistical analysis!

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